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Weekly Summer Schedule for Kids!

School is officially out for the summer, which means your kids have a lot more free time! It can be hard to keep them busy, which is why creating a schedule can be so helpful. For this post, we’re sharing an example of a summer schedule that will keep kids occupied while still letting them have fun. Here’s how it works — we’ve assigned each day of the week a different theme and outlined a few activities to go along with each theme. Of course this is just to get you started. You can switch out activities or even themes to best suit your family!

The bottom line? Having a summer schedule is a sure way to give your kids a fun, memorable summer that’s still provides structure and stimulation. So let’s get started!

Make it Monday

Start your week off by getting creative! Have your little one make a new craft, paint a picture, color with crayons, or play with playdough.

Fieldtrip Tuesday

Get out of the house and do something fun. Go to the museum, the park, the pool, or the library. You can keep it educational or make it an opportunity to play!

Wild Wednesday

Go outside and take some time to enjoy nature. You can go for a hike, take a nature walk, complete a scavenger hunt, visit a lake, go to the beach, or just play in the backyard. To add a fun twist, try out some of these nature crafts!

Thinking Thursday

Your kids’ learning doesn’t have to stop with school! Exercise the brain by doing worksheets, puzzles, matching games, or science experiments. Check out our homeschooling activities post for some more ideas!

Foodie Friday

Try new foods! Go to a new restaurant, make a new recipe, or bake something sweet. Let your kids help as much as possible when cooking at home.

Silly Saturday

Let your kids decide what to do! It’s important that kids feel like they have some control in their lives, and they’ll love having a day dedicated just to them.

Family Funday Sunday

Sunday is a great day to unwind and spend time with family. Watch a movie, play a board game, or have a backyard campout. The possibilities are endless!


12 Homeschooling Activities

School is officially back in session, but it looks a little different this year. Whether your kids are doing in-person schooling, virtual schooling, homeschooling, or a mixture of the three, we hope you’ll find something useful in today’s post! Here are 12 activities you…


14 Family Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day!

We all know Valentine’s Day is supposed to be the most romantic day of the year, but once you become a parent, getting any alone time with your significant other can seem impossible. Whether you’re struggling to find a babysitter or can’t afford to…