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DIY Lifestyle

DIY After-school Schedule and Clock – free printable included!

It’s that time of year again! School has begun, which means your kiddos are back on a schedule and taking on a little more responsibility. Help them stick to their new routine with this super simple after-school schedule and clock! This DIY is a great way for your child to visualize their time and keep themselves on track. You can also customize their schedule each day if their routine changes. Plus, it’s so simple, you can make one for each of your kids!


8.5″ x 11″ frame
Dry erase markers
Schedule (free printable below!)


1) Print off our free after-school schedule and place it in a frame.

2) Once framed, use dry erase markers to write your child’s tasks for the day on the provided lines.

3) Assign a color to each task by filling in the corresponding circle with the marker of your choice.

4) Using the assigned colors, draw triangles on the glass clock face to mark which block of time goes with each task.

5) Hang the clock and schedule in a place where you child will see it often. Change the tasks each day as needed.

Free Printable:

 Credit: Mommy Moment