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3 Free Goal Worksheets to Help You Through the New Year!

A new year has begun, which means you’re probably feeling the pressure to start working on some new goals. The problem with New Year’s resolutions is that we either push ourselves too hard and give up, or there’s not much planning involved and we forget our goals by the time the year is over. So today we’re setting our own goal — to help you accomplish yours!

We’ve created three worksheets to guide you through planning and implementing your goals. Below you’ll find a weekly worksheet, a monthly worksheet, and a yearly worksheet. We are firm believers in taking it one step at a time, so we suggest starting with a weekly goal to test the waters before jumping into a year-long commitment! Keep reading to find out more.

Weekly Goals

Start out simple. Try to follow your goal for just one week. During this time, you can figure out how realistic your goal actually is for your schedule and lifestyle, then tweak it to suit your needs. You can even test out a few different goals to see which one is the most fulfilling! With this worksheet, you can schedule out each day of the week, write down your top priorities, and come up with the tasks needed to complete your goals. There’s also a space for additional notes that you can fill with any other insights you might have.

Monthly Goals

Once you’ve completed your weekly goals and adjusted them to your needs, you can start transitioning into monthly goals. Monthly goals can give you a greater sense of accomplishment, but are still less intimidating than a year-long commitment. With our monthly goal worksheet, you can write down each goal you want to accomplish, the tasks needed to complete them, and your top priorities for the month. Once again, we have left a spot for additional notes that you can use however you see fit!

Yearly Goal

Made it through your monthly goals? It’s time to take on your yearly goals! By now, you should have a pretty good idea of what goals work for you, and you can plan accordingly. This worksheet includes the same boxes as the previous worksheets with one fun addition: your affirmation for the year! An affirmation is a word or phrase that provides encouragement. It should help you focus on your goals and support you when you’re feeling down.

Good luck and Happy New Year!