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6 Snow Activities for Kids

It looks like winter will be sticking around a little longer this year, and if you’re anything like us, you may be running out of ideas to keep your kids entertained while cooped up at home. Although we’re dreaming of sunshine, we might as well make the most of the snow! Here are 6 winter activities to keep your little ones occupied while waiting for spring to arrive.

1) Snow Painting

We’re kicking things off with a fun, new spin on arts and crafts! For this activity, you can either fill a large container with snow and bring it inside, or bundle up and go find a good patch of snow outside. To begin, pour water in a few bowls and dye it with food coloring to create “paint.” Then have your little one use the water paint and a paintbrush to color the snow!

2) Snow Kitchen

We all know how kids love to help in the kitchen! Making a snow kitchen outside is a great, mess-free way for them to explore their inner chef. The only supplies you’ll need are common household items, such as bowls, pitchers, spoons, etc. Once you’ve gathered everything, let your little one use those objects to experiment in the snow and create their very own concoctions.

3) Snow Puzzle

Test your little one’s mind with this cool, snowy twist to their favorite puzzle! Fill a baking sheet with snow, grab a puzzle, and press the shapes into the snow to create a new puzzle for your child to solve. Once they complete one puzzle, you can start over by getting more snow and rearranging the shapes!

4) Ice Hunt

This wintery scavenger hunt requires some preparation, but it’s totally worth it! To prepare, fill an ice cube tray with water, add some food coloring, and freeze. Once you have colored ice cubes, go bury them in the snow and let your little one dig them out!

5) Snow Garden

This next activity will definitely add a pop of spring to your dreary winter day! All you need are flower pots, fake flowers, and — of course– snow! Fill the flower pots with snow then let your child try their hand at flower arranging. Once they’re all finished, you can leave them up in the yard as a fun decoration.

6) Marble Run

This last activity will keep your little one entertained all day long! You’ll just need a baking sheet and a marble. Fill the baking sheet with snow and dig out a path. Place a marble at the start of the path you created and have your child tilt the pan to move the marble through the course. When they get bored of one path, you can start over and make a brand new course!