
10 Spring Cleaning Tips + a FREE Printable Checklist!

It’s that time of year again! Break out your cleaning supplies and to-do lists because spring has arrived. We know spring cleaning is not a simple task, but we also know the end result is totally worth it. Whether you love deep cleaning or absolutely dread it, we want to make this process as smooth as possible for you! Here are 10 spring cleaning tips and a FREE printable checklist to guide you on your journey to a tidy, happy home.

1) Put on some music.

Here at Mothers Lounge, we definitely believe in the power of music. Your attitude plays a big role in how productive you are, which is why you’ll always find us playing some sort of music while we work! Listen to your favorite, upbeat songs to boost your mood and get your feet going.

2) Wear shoes while you clean.

This helpful tip comes straight from She explains that you are more productive when you’re fully dressed, so make sure to lace up your shoes! You can read this article from her website to get a full explanation on why this tip is so important.

3) Have a checklist on hand.

Having a checklist keeps you on track and ensures no task is left undone. Plus, it’s so satisfying to check things off! Here’s a free printable checklist we created, just for you:

4) Take it one step at a time.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your home doesn’t have to be cleaned in one either! We get it. Life is so busy, especially when you’re a parent. Do as much as you are comfortable with each day, whether that’s one room or just one thing on your list. Besides, spring is a long season! You’ve got time.

5) Get to know your vacuum.

Don’t forget: your vacuum is your best friend! However, vacuums come with so many attachments nowadays, you might not even realize what each one can do. This article from Martha Stewart’s website will teach you all about the different kinds of attachments, so you can get the most out of your vacuum.

6) Go from top to bottom.

When wiping down surfaces or dusting a room, make sure you go from top to bottom. This ensures that the dirt you brush off does not contaminate an area you just cleaned!

7) Clear out your cabinets, drawers, and shelves.

You’ll notice on our checklist we tell you to wipe down your storage spaces, inside and out. Although it may seem tedious, make sure you take everything out instead of just lifting or cleaning around those items. This ensures you are able to clean as thoroughly as possible and makes reorganization so much easier.

8) Take regular breaks.

FlyLady also tells us that cleaning does not have to be a marathon! Take breaks every hour to recoup and replenish your energy. You can spend this time loving on your little ones, eating a snack, or just taking a moment to breathe.

9) Don’t forget to delegate.

Enlist the help of your children and/or spouse to check off your list! This will make everything go by so much faster. Plus, it teaches your kids about responsibility and encourages good habits!

10) Use natural products when you can.

Use natural household products you have on hand to clean your home. This will reduce toxins AND save you money! As a guide, here is a list that provides 72 uses for natural products instead of chemicals.

Good luck and happy spring cleaning!

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